don't sell.
Those 3 words can make a massive difference to your business, whether
you sell your own products or as an affiliate marketer.
Let me explain...
People don't like to be sold to. If they get a whiff that someone is
trying to sell them something, they will be instantly defensive and out
of the door faster than Usain Bolt running to catch the bus.
But this doesn't mean you can't get them to buy products.
Instead of trying to sell, teach them how to do something. In the
process of teaching them (for free) you use various tools that they
will need. You don't try and tell them how good the tools are, you just
use them in the process.
So now, when people are learning from you they see you using the tools
and will follow along and buy them via your affiliate links.
You're not selling, you're simply teaching. And people will be more
receptive to buying things because you're not trying to sell them.