Many millionaires have at some point lost everything in their lives.
Some have done it more than once.
But they always have a self-belief and persistence that others just wouldn’t have the strength to copy. Others would just give up at the first hurdle.
I love this quote from Claude Bissell:
“Risk more than other’s think is safe. Care more than other’s think is wise, Dream more than other’s think is practical, Expect more than other’s think is possible”
It sums up what being an Entrepreneur is all about.
But it is also 100% relevant if you’re trying to make money online too.
How Bad Do You Really Want It?
If you try something new and it doesn’t immediately give you any results, many people will quit.
They tell themselves ‘this just isn’t for me‘ or ‘man, I got scammed again‘.
But the sad thing is, many people will keep on telling themselves this for the rest of their lives.
At some stage, you have to want to succeed more than you want to breathe.
That is when you know that you’re going to make it.
There are no other options.
You’re all in.
Check out this video when you get 5 minutes spare:
Tell yourself you’re going to do everything it takes. You’re going to work hard at it.
Because nothing that comes easy is worth having.
But everything you work hard for will be worth it.
Success takes hard work. When you realise that and are willing to go all in….
That’s when the magic will begin 🙂
Hope that helps!

P.S. – Have you checked out my Rock-Solid Super Affiliate Training course yet? Click here to have a look.