Niche affiliate websites are sites that target one niche and will generally promote a small amount of products.

  • It could be an Amazon affiliate website about blenders.
  • A ClickBank affiliate website about dog training.
  • Or an Adsense site about finance.

Whilst these types of sites can be hugely profitable, some of them can also lose out on a lot of sales too.

So let’s look at 5 ways to make more sales from your niche affiliate websites:

#1 – Build A List

I’m amazed at how many niche websites don’t have any type of lead capture at all.

Mainly because it can add a lot of money to the bottom line.

All you need to do is find something you can give away. It can be a free report, a video, a checklist, audio or anything in the niche that you have rights to give away.

Then set up a simple form on the site, or use a popup plugin and give the thing away to anyone that signs up.

Have a series of automated emails setup in your autoresponder to go out on a regular basis to those people. Give them more tips and advice about the niche and remind them about the products you are promoting.

Most people will need to see an offer at least 7 times before they buy. Sending automated emails is a great way to make that happen.

#2 – Get More Traffic

Well, derr!

Yes, I know this sounds obvious but again, I see sites that just rely on Google traffic.

If you can utilize social media platforms, then you can send a ton more free traffic to your niche websites. This will increase sales, give you more profit each month AND give you a larger asset to sell.

Simply pick one platform such as YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook. Then create regular content and add it to the platform.

Build connections, network with those people and prove that you are knowledgable in the niche you are in.

And of course, constantly tell people about your website and provide a link where possible.

Even if you only get 200-300 more visitors a month, it’s going to make a positive impact.

#3 – Promote More Products

A niche site doesn’t only have to promote Amazon or ClickBank products.

With a small amount of effort, you could probably find lots more lucrative products to promote in your niche. These will typically not have as much competition either, so will be easier to rank for.

Just head into Google and type in “niche affiliate program” (replace ‘niche’ with your own niche) and go through the results. Sign up to any that fit and add them to your website. This might be banners, text links or even product reviews of those products.

Another revenue stream for the site, means more value and stability if you choose to sell it.

#4 – Add More Content

There was once a time when a 20 page website could dominate a lot of niches.

But that simply isn’t the case these days.

If you want to build a lucrative niche website, then you should be thinking about 70 pages as a minimum.

Not only does this help the site to become more like an ‘authority site‘ in the niche, it also means you can target a lot more keywords in your content. And more keywords, means more ranking, which means more traffic and more money in your pocket.

You should be constantly adding more content to your sites, as often as you can. It also helps with Google too, who tend to like sites that are updated often.

#5 – Have A Responsive Website

If your website doesn’t look good on a mobile device, then you’re going to lose a lot of potential customers.

Not only that but you won’t rank in Google very well either, as it plays a big part of what they look for.

Fortunately, especially if you use WordPress, this is easy to do. Most updated WordPress themes are already mobile friendly and there’s no extra work for you to do.

Each theme will tell you whether they are and you can always view your own website on a mobile device and see what it looks like. If it doesn’t function well, just choose another WordPress theme until you find the right one for you.

Recent stats indicate that up to 60% of all web searches are now carried out on mobile devices. Therefore, you must make sure your websites are mobile responsive.

#6 – Sell Sponsored Posts

This one will depend on the type of website you have built.

If it’s a small, niche website, then you might find it hard to make it work. But if you build a large, authority website, then you should certainly make it work.

A sponsored post is where someone pays you to add an article to your website. You can decide what you want to charge and it will be niche dependant.

But you can advertise the fact that you are selling posts on various websites and how much you charge for each post.

Someone will basically pay you that amount and give you an article to post to your website. The article should be unique, niche relevant and will contain a link that they ask you to add.

You then post the article and you’re all done.

It’s a simple way to add another income stream to your websites.


These are just a few ways you can make more money from your niche affiliate websites. There are other ways too.

The main point of this article is to show you that you don’t have to settle for free traffic from Google or to one income stream.

You can increase those earnings by getting more traffic and adding more streams of income to each site. And those extra earnings can pay off big time when it comes time to sell those sites 🙂

P.S. – Learn how to use WordPress to create FOUR different income streams. Check out my WordPress 4 X 4 Intensive Workshop, there are more than 50 videos that will teach you how to do it 🙂

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