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In this post, I’m going to share with you 6 of the best side gigs for extra money in 2022. So whether you have a current job or you’re just looking to make some extra cash, this post is for you.
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Side Gig #1 – Delivery Jobs
So the first side gig is delivery jobs. There are many types of delivery jobs that you can do.
You can deliver parcels for companies like Amazon or Hermes, or you can deliver food from local takeaways using an app like Uber eats. As you can see here on Amazon flex, this is in the UK. Might be available in other countries too, but we can see all you need is a smartphone with the app and a mode of transport.
So, your own car. And then what you do is you pick up parcels from Amazon and you deliver them in your local area. Really easy to do. You can choose your own times and set your own limits to how much work you want to do. And you have Uber eats. Very similar, except you’ll be delivering takeaways from local restaurants.
So again, you get the app, you have your mode of transport, whether it’s a car or bike. And you get paid for each delivery that you make really easy to do, and you can get started really fast. The only downside to deliveries is there’s no opportunity for passive income. You only get paid for the work that you do.
Side Gig #2 – Audio Transcription
So, side gig #2 is audio transcription. You can actually get paid to listen to audio and transcribe it into written text and it can pay quite well too. As we can see here, companies like Rev allow you to sign up for free, create your own flexible work schedule, choose some hundreds of jobs and get paid weekly.
And we can see for transcribing you get. Up to $1.10 per audio or per video minute that you transcribed. It’s a side gig that you can easily do from home in your spare time. But again, there’s no opportunity for passive income with this particular gig.
Side Gig #3 – Tutoring
Number 3 is tutoring. You can actually get paid to teach people English in other countries.
As we can see here, allows you to sign up for free, talk to people around the world, help them with their English and get paid around $10 an hour just for doing that. And you can set your own times and your own schedule. But again, no passive income. You only get paid for the amount of hours that you put in psychic.
Side Gig #4 – Writing Articles
Number 4 is writing articles. What you can do, you can create articles for individuals and companies and get paid per article that you create. So we can see here sites like Fiverr allow you to sign up for free, add your own gig onto here, and then people will find you. They’ll hire you to create articles for them.
And once you deliver them, you get paid and you can also sign up to freelancing sites, such as freelancer, where you can apply for jobs that people have added onto those sites. And if you accepted, create the articles and then you’ll get paid, but no passive income, you only get paid for each article that you create.
Side Gig #5 – Graphic Design
Side gig number 5 is graphic design. Similarly to writing articles, what you would do, you would sign up to freelancing sites like Fiverr. You would add your own gig onto these sites. Show the work that you’ve already done. People will hire you. You create them their logo and you get paid. Really easy to do.
There’s so much demand for graphic design. It’s insane. So you’ll never run out of work if you actually learn how to do that, and you can sell that to other businesses and other companies, but there’s no passive income. You only get paid for all the work that you do.
Side Gig #6 – Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is my personal favorite. Something I’ve been doing for now 20 years. And basically what you do with affiliate marketing is you find products you want to promote. And when you make sales, you earn a commission for each sale that you make.
Unlike the other side gigs, I’ve just mentioned, there’s a ton of opportunity for passive income. With affiliate marketing, you can do a certain amount of work. Let’s say you create videos, create articles, and those can earn your money for years and years to come. So the work that you do with affiliate marketing can pay off for years, it’s not like you do an hour and you get paid a certain amount.
You can do an hour and that might earn you money in 3, 4, 5 years from now. So you can see here sites like, really easy to sign up, find lots of products you can promote in lots of niches. You find the ones you want to promote, you get the link and then you advertise that link.
However you want to do that. Social media, paid advertising, SEO. When you make sales, money goes into your ClickBank account, they pay you out every week directly into your bank account. Okay. So really easy to do. And there’s literally thousands and thousands of affiliate programs that you can actually sign up for.
And if you do want to start affiliate marketing today, check out this link. And that concludes these 6 best side gigs for extra money in 2022, that you can get started doing today.