I love a good quote.
Here’s one from Tony Robbins that is one of my particular favourites:
“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.”
Sounds too simple, you might think.
But have you ever actually tried it for yourself?
If not, you might be surprised at just how much your life can change.
For me, I’ve always been fascinated by wealth and making money.
Every year here in the UK, the Sunday Times Rich List is published in around April. It lists the wealthiest people in the UK, from entrepreneurs through to pop stars.
Starting from when I was around 12-13, I used to get up early on the Sunday morning when it was released and run down to the local newspaper shop to buy it.

I’d then spend all day looking through it, just to see how people were making their millions.
Steel and oil magnets were usually top, followed by property tycoons. But then I started seeing people with websites appearing. Building popular ones and selling them.
This was right up my street!
I still buy it every year now I’m in my forties. I just love learning how people change their stars.
OK, so back to the point of this post…
Even though I’ve been an affiliate marketer for 15+ years, I decided last year that I wanted to get better.
Much better in fact.
That’s why I started to follow the FourPercent and joined the 4% Challenge.
I mean, who else would I want to follow than a guy who went from ZERO to $11,506 PER DAY doing affiliate marketing?
He’s getting the results I want. I’m going to copy what he is doing.
Simple process.
Find someone achieving the results you want. Copy what they do.
Last week they sent me almost $500 in commissions and I’m earning commissions from programs I have never promoted before.

There’s a reason for this.
The Secret To Success:
I’m learning from someone who is getting the results I want and copying what they’re doing.
Simple process 🙂

P.S. – There’s a 100% FREE training webinar here, where Vick shows how he went from ZERO to $11,506 PER DAY. If you get an hour or so spare, I highly recommend you check it out if you want to become a successful affiliate marketer!