So I’m now in Week 2 of the main One Funnel Away Challenge (It’s technically the third week, as the first week was all about belief and mindset.)

I’ve got to say, for $100 I didn’t expect it to be so packed full of stuff.

For example, on one of Stephen’s sessions this week he talked about sales and marketing. In there he shared these awesome tips:

Marketing – This is the act of changing beliefs with the intent of making a sale. Many people have beliefs such as ‘it won’t work for me’, ‘I don’t have much time’ etc. So you overcome those and tell them why it WILL work for them.

Sales – This is presenting the offer and overcoming any objections.

Closing – This is giving logical reasons why someone needs to act now. Scarcity, limited time, limited availability etc.

He really got into each of these 3 things and it’s seriously opened my eyes to how I present affiliate offers and also my own products.

There’s also this nugget:

Don’t sell products, create irresistible offers instead.

You’ve almost certainly seen this in action yourself. There’s a main product being sold and then a stack of bonuses at the end. These all add up to thousand’s in value and way more than the main product being sold.

There’s a reason why this is done – because it works like crazy!

Anyway, thought I would just share a few of the things I’ve learned so far.

The One Funnel Away Challenge is WAY more than just building a funnel 🙂

P.S. – The next OFA Challenge starts in August but you can lock yourself in and get the box of goodies sent to your home right now. Click here to check it out.

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