Hi Fellow Zappers…

I remember back in the early 2000’s when I got started online, I discovered affiliate marketing and thought it was my way out of the rat race.

In many ways it was but it certainly wasn’t as easy as it appeared (the slow Compaq PC and 56kb dial up modem didn’t exactly help things back then!).

I tried many different things, bought LOTS of different products but couldn’t really make any of them work for me.

But then I discovered SEO which appealed to me greatly and that’s what I ran with.

I started promoting Clickbank products and making Google Adsense websites. Before I knew it I was having 3 and 4 figure days.

Quit my job and went full-time online.

This is it.

Life is great and I’m gonna make it!

Fast forward less than 12 months, Google had shut down my Adsense account and also brought in a new algorithm which slapped all my websites and brought my earnings down to almost nothing.

But at that time I was still living at home, so didn’t have many bills to pay.

I recovered, learned how to rank websites again and stuck with what I know for the last 14 or so years. Building Amazon affiliate websites, ranking them and selling them.

Back To 2018...

More recently, mainly after I turned 40, I realised that I have all my eggs in one basket and there’s a ceiling on what I can earn.

Having my own home and more financial responsibilities, there’s no back up plan for me right now.

I wanted more. And lots of it.

So I started looking into affiliate marketing again. Bought more courses, tried them out but again, they just weren’t for me.

So I was browsing some YouTube videos on building funnels and happened to click on one by someone called Vick Strizheus.

Never heard of him before but I was in a browsing mood, so clicked on it and watched it.

Right from when he started talking, I could see that he was someone I could connect with. He was talking my language and being a 6-7 figure a month earner, I knew he was someone I had to learn from.

So I bought his course and a few other tools and began my new affiliate journey.

That’s what started THIS website you’re on right now – HubZap.com

Then Vick decided to completely redo his business structure to aim for HUGE things for Entrepreneurs.

His program that I was following got halted temporarily as he completely re-did it, to future proof it for years to come.

Now it shows how to get to $10,000 then to $100,000 and on to $1,000,000 AS AN AFFILIATE marketer.

So as you can imagine, it has my name written all over it and I’m jumping right into it!

(He’s just opened the doors for new members, so if you’re interested in becoming a 7 figure affiliate, then you can check it out here.)

But first, here’s 3 major things I have learned already which have completely changed my thinking and business structure:

#1 - Mindset

If you want to turn your annual income into your monthly income, make big money, I mean 5, 6 or even 7 figures a month then you have to think big.

But ‘thinking’ alone is not enough.

You have to emotionally connect with that amount of money. You do that by picturing everything you would have if you made your ideal dollar amount. The lifestyle, the homes, the cars, whatever your ideal life is you have to keep that picture in your mind at all times.

It’s those subconscious thoughts that program your mind into thinking you already have those things, so actually makes it easier for you to get them.

If you are constantly thinking that you need to make $2,000 a month to pay your bills, that’s all you will make.

But think about this, have you ever had an emergency come in where you need to make a big chunk of money and not sure how you’ll do it? But then you find a way.

Well, as Tony Robbins says, ‘You meet your musts my friend‘. Whatever you MUST earn, you will earn.

By thinking big, constantly having your ‘must’ amount of money in your mind, you’ll find a way of getting it.

Having your dream lifestyle starts with having the right mindset.

#2 - System & Multiple Streams of Income

Once you know your dollar number, you now need to have a system in place that will allow you to scale. This system needs to have multiple streams of income, so that you never rely on just one.

(This is one thing I personally know I need to change as I’ve been lucky so far.)

Multiple streams of income, or MSI, means you’ll have monthly payments from 5, 10 or even 50 different companies.

You’ll never be reliant on just one company.

This gives you complete security and almost guaranteed income every single month.

To get these, they must be incorporated into your system. Your system will recommend these products to show a person how to do a certain thing.

Teach them, show them and they will have less resistance to pick the various tools up. You’re not selling, you’re teaching.

Once you have your ideal monthly dollar amount, you have your system, then it’s time to put it into motion.

#3 - Take Action

You now need to take action and funnel people into your system.

It’s setup in the right way, so you know that the more people you get in, the more will sign up to the various tools, therefore the more monthly passive income you will make.

This may sound easy and obvious and it really is.

Your job now is to focus solely on finding new people, connecting with them, bringing them into your online world and to teach them.

This is now just a numbers game. Work hard until you reach your dream lifestyle number. Then either stop or keep on going.

Entrepreneurs will keep on going.

Use the extra money to invest. Make that money work for you in your sleep.

This now creates even more MSI payments for you each month.

Once you’re at this level, you can now decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. Money will never be an issue.

If You Reached This Point…

Those 3 things will genuinely change your life if apply them.

I’m applying them right now, have seen big changes in how I market online and the results I’m getting.

My personal mission is to be a 7 figure affiliate Entrepreneur.

The only person who can stop me doing that, is myself.

I have all the training and tools I need, thanks Vick, and I’m on a mission to make it happen.

Anyway, if you’ve got this far into my ramblings and want to change your life too, I can’t recommend the 4% Affiliate Challenge enough.

But don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself, it’s affordable to anyone and there’s the usual refund guarantees etc.

However, if you’re like me, you’ll see the value right away and start building your own dream lifestyle, starting today!

Thanks for reading.

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Categories: New Journey


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