So I just managed to squeeze into the current One Funnel Away Challenge from ClickFunnels™. It started a few days ago and I’m already a bit behind but I’ll catch up.

This first week is about setting things up with the right motivation. Getting your head prepared before the funnel building actually starts.

There’s training from Russell Brunson and Stephen Larsen each day.

Stephen is, let’s say, a funnel genius and also a bit psycho! His videos are very intense and he shouts….a lot.

But it is something in his first video that caused me to write this post today. He has a coin next to him at all times when working and it says this:

The Obstacle IS The Way

It also has a longer script on the reverse side but that phrase really struck a chord with me.

Just say it to yourself and ponder it for a while.

Have you ever been in a situation where you REALLY didn’t want to do something? You thought it’s going to be painful, hard and way out of your comfort zone.

But then you did it, realised it was easier than you thought and more importantly brought SO much extra goodness into your life.

Has that ever happened to you?

Rather than try and avoid all the obstacles in your life, move towards them and hit them head on. Your life will change so much for the better.

Say it to yourself over and over again as you go about your day.

The Obstacle IS The Way

P.S. – I’m loving the One Funnel Away Challenge so far, it costs $100 but I can already see the huge value in it and I’m only a few days in. The next one starts in August but you can lock yourself in and get the box of goodies sent to your home right now. Click here to check it out.


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