I remember many moons ago when I first started out in affiliate marketing that I thought it was going to be so easy.
Surely it’s just a case of getting my affiliate links out there in as many places as possible?
People will click on my links, I’ll become a super affiliate and I’m going to be rich!

Sadly, it didn’t take me long to realise that’s not the case at all.
Even if people might have been interested in the product, it wasn’t enough to make them buy it through my link.
And that exact reason is why I have created this post.
How To Become A Super Affiliate
(The Smarter Way)
Here’s a video I posted on YouTube which reveals how most super affiliates manage to get SO many more sales than other affiliates who are desperately trying to sell the same products:
It’s ALL about the bonuses.
When you have a huge bonus to offer, you can literally sell without selling.
People will just fight to buy the product, just to get your bonuses.
The perceived value you are offering just makes the product almost non-important.
They want your bonuses!
And that right there is why super affiliates can out-sell regular affiliates 100x over.
So before you promote another product as an affiliate, just see if you can offer any bonuses to people who buy through your link.
Set up your offer once and it will pay you for months or years to come.
It’s all about working smarter, not harder 🙂

P.S. – Want to learn from 15 Super Affiliates for FREE? Click here to see their exact plans on how to go to SUPER affiliate status in the next 100 days.
Kelvin · July 3, 2019 at 11:53 am
Hi Tony,
I think that I would qualify your general statement about adding bonuses by saying that it matters much more about the perceived desirability of that “huge bonus” to as many people as possible. These days, I am rarely (if ever) swayed by any bonus items. Sadly, most of the ones I picked up in the past are either unused or total cr*p and not worth having clutter up my hard-drive.
Best regards
Tony Newton · July 3, 2019 at 1:21 pm
Hi Kelvin
Sure, many digital bonuses can be pretty useless. The key is creating a bonus that compliments the product you are promoting. No point having ebooks or reports as bonuses, the perceived value isn’t there. That’s why extra training, FB groups, personal coaching, unique strategies for using the product etc is the way to go.